1. Library: – The college has a library having nearly 14000 books on various subjects. It has three reading rooms for staff, boys and girls. Every student of TDC, B.B.A. and B.C.A. is issued three cards. On each card one book is issued for 14 days. If the book is not returned within the stipulated time period the fine is leveled. The detail of rules regarding the library are notified by the librarian from time to time.

2. National Cadet Core (NCC):  – There is a NCC wing of 5, Haryana Battalion (Gurgaon) in the college for the boys in which the cadets are trained to work with the spirit of patriotism and social service. The NCC certificate holders be given weightage for the purpose of admission and Govt. services. The desired students may contact to Lt. M. Imtiaz Khan for enrolment as NCC cadet.

3. National Service Scheme (N.S.S.): – The college has a N.S.S. unit under the supervision of a Programme Officer in which the training is given to the students willing to serve the nation voluntarily is various fields. Camps are organised to develop a team spirit for social service. The desirous students may apply on the prescribed form available with the Programme Officer.

4. Accommodation: – The students desirous of seeking admission to the hostel should apply on the prescribed from available in the office on payment of Rs.10.00 only limited seats are available in the hostel. A student may be refused admission to the hostel without assigning any reason.

5. Woman Development and Studies Cell: – There is a forum in the college for the female students under the auspices of  “Women Development and studies cell” to discuss the social problems of women in general and theirs in particular. This cell is run by female students under the guidance of a lecturer in charge with the cooperation of the staff and local authorities. The students are also provided the necessary literature related to woman.

6. Employment Guidance and Placement Cell: – The students of the college are made aware of the job opportunities available to then during or on completion of a particular course of studies. They are also given guidance in the matter of employment and provided career counseling.  The appropriate information, related news papers and magazines are provided to the students by this cell.

7. Grievance Redressal  Cell: – There is a committee of the members of the staff to listen to the students and accordingly do the needful for the removal of their grievances. The students can freely discuss about their grievances and get the proper advice during the periods as notified by the convener.

8. Red Cross Unit: – All the students of the college shall be enrolled as member of the unit and shall be charged the required fee. The unit is affiliated to the State Unit. The members of the unit are trained to do the social work in various fields.

9. Fee Concession and Financial Assistance: – Fee concessions are awarded to the needy and meritorious students within the unit fixed By:

i. Brother/sister concessions are awarded as per Govt. rules.

ii. SC/BC students will not be charged any tuition fee at the time of admission provided they produce the relevant certificates in support of their caste and annual income.

iii. As per decision of the Haryana Govt. tuition fee will not be charged from the female students.

iv. Financial assistance is also available to the needy and meritorious students of the “Students Aid Fund” and other funds.

10. Scholarships:- Various scholarships/stipends are available under the following schemes: –

i. Govt. of India Post Metric Scholarship Scheme for Schedule/Scheduled Tribe students.

ii. State Harijan Welfare Scheme for Backward Class students.

iii. Govt. of India scheme of Post Metric Scholarship to Lower Income Group students, Demotified  Nomadic and semi Nomadic Tribe students.

iv. Govt. of India National loan scholarship scheme.

v. (a) Govt. of India National Scholarship scheme (b) Govt. of India National Merit Scholarship scheme for the children of school teachers (c) Haryana State Govt. (education department) Merit scholarship in college for General University Education.

 vi. S. J.  Jindal Trust Merit scholarship.

vii. Haryana Wakf Board Scholarship.

viii. Central Wakf Council, Delhi scholarship.

11. Sports Complex: – The college has a large sports complex where facilities for Football, Hockey, Cricket, Badminton, Table Tennis and other Track events are available.

12. Study Centre of IGNOU: – Indira Gandhi National Open University is going to start Learner Support Centre at Y.M.D. College, Nuh (Mewat) soon and may introduce P.G. courses under distance education.